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Other Conferences

  1. K. Miller, P. Balcerzak, and F. Mardi. Using the Novice – Expert Coaching Method to Encourage Engagement of Under-Represented Groups in Computer Programming. IAFOR 15th Asian Conference on Education (24 Nov. 2023), Tokyo, Japan.
  2. T. Coble, R. Stanton, C. Cyd, L. Overholser, and K. Miller. Heritage & the Human Spirit: Inquiry that Heals. National Association for Interpretation National Conference 2023 (10 Nov. 2023), Little Rock, AR.
  3. K. Miller and R. Zaidi. Two recent lessons in ethical humility: Boeing’s 737 MAX and Volkswagen’s Dieselgate. Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (26-29 March 2020), Tokyo, Japan.
  4. J. Herkert, J. Borenstein, and K. Miller. 2020. The Boeing 737 Max: Lessons for Engineering Ethics. Presented at the 2020 Annual International Conference of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Atlanta, Georgia.
  5. K. Miller and R. Zaidi. Is it time for robot interpreters? National Association of Interpreters Annual Conference (27-30 November 2018), New Orleans, LA.
  6. Grodzinsky, F. S., Miller, K. W. and Wolf, M. J. Looking for the Full Story: Ethical issues associated with session replay scripts. ETHICOMP 2018 (September, 2018), Tricity, Poland.
  7. K. Miller. Should nudging robots be used in moral education? 43rd Association for Moral Education Annual Conference (2-4, November 2017), St. Louis, MO.
  8. F. Grodzinsky, M. Wolf, and K. Miller. Applying a social-relational model to explore the curious case of hitchbBOT. International Association for Computing and Philosophy 2016 (14-17 June 2016), Ferrara, Italy.
  9. K. Miller. Kids, Coding, and Cognition. 15th International Postgraduate Research Conference (7 March 2016), St. Louis, MO.
  10. K. Miller.Clear the air about the VW diesel cheat: Professional ethics under the hood. Association of Practical and Professional Ethics 25 (20 February 2016), Washington D.C.
  11. K. Miller. The challenge of conceptualizing cyborgs as persons. The 8th International Conference on Applied Ethics (1-3 Nov. 2013), Sapporo, Japan.
  12. M. Wolf, K. Miller, and F. Grodzinsky. Morality*: An object-oriented approach to comparing machine and human morality. Computer Ethics – Philosophical Enquiry 2013 (2 July 2013), Lisbon, Portugal.
  13. P. Boltuc and K. Miller. Machine consciousness categorized twice. Bridging the Robotics Gap: Bringing Together Ethicists and Engineers (11-12 July 2011), Enschede, the Netherlands.
  14. K. Miller. PHM algorithms that interpret data are value laden. Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (20-23 June 2011), Denver, Colorado.
  15. K. Miller. Ethical Issue in UVS: Surveying the landscape.  UVS Canada (Nov. 5, 2009), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  16. K. Miller, J. Moor, J. Herkert, J. Wetmore and D. Johnson. Ethical responsibility from the perspective of time. International Symposium on Technology and  Society (ISTAS) (June 26-28, 2008), Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
  17. K. Miller. Monitoring real-time data from Emiquon. UIS Technology Day (February 27, 2008), Springfield, IL.
  18. D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Professionalism and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics. Tutorial at IEEE Conf. on Software Engineering Education and Training(CSEET) (April 14-17, 2008), Charleston, SC.
  19. F. Grodzinsky, K. Miller and M. Wolf. Floss, PCS and GPU: ethical issues in software licenses. Presentation at North American Computers and Philosophy. M. Turilli, panel convener (July 27, 2007), Chicago, IL.
  20. K. Miller. The use and abuse of philosophers and computer scientists in teaching ethics. Presentation at North American Computers and Philosophy, P. Boltuc, panel convener (July 28, 2007), Chicago, IL.
  21. M. Lemke, D. Jenkins, K. Miller, M. Pegg, and K. Carr. Nitrogen distribution and denitrification in the LaGrange Reach of the Illinois River and its floodplain. Poster at the Mississippi River Nutrients Science Workshop (Oct. 4-6, 2005), St. Louis, MO.
  22. D. Larson and K. Miller. Speed bumps, neural nets, angels and moral agency: Can silicon be held responsible? UIS Science Research Symposium (April 22, 2005), Springfield, IL.
  23. M. Lemke, M. Lemke, K. Miller, and D. Blodgett. Management and restoration strategies for the Emiquon floodplain of the Illinois River. New Currents in Conserving Freshwater Systems Symposium (April 7-8, 2005), New York, NY.
  24. K. Miller. Test driven development on the cheap: text files and explicit scaffolding. Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (October 8-9, 2004), Salem, OR.
  25. D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Computer ethics in the undergraduate curriculum: case studies and the joint software engineer’s code. Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (October 8-9, 2004), Salem, OR.
  26. F. Appel, K. Miller, and L. Schwartzman. How can computer science educators prepare students for ethical professional decision-making? Ethics and Technology Conference (June 25-26, 2004), Chicago, IL.
  27. K. Miller. Buffer overruns: detection, prevention, and ethical obligations. UIS Science Research Symposium (April 23, 2004), Springfield, IL.
  28. M. Lemke, M. Pegg, and K. Miller. Nutrient distribution in a large river floodplain system: the LaGrange Reach of the Illinois River. North American Benthological Society (June 6-10, 2004), Vancouver B.C. (abstract reviewed and published)
  29. M. Loui , K. Miller, and J. Yost. Internet2 and computer ethics: power and responsibility. Internet2 Fall Conference (October 30, 2002), Los Angeles.
  30. J. Herkert, K. Miller, and B. O’Connell. Law, Ethics, and Engineering. American Society for Engineering Ethics (June 17, 2002), Montreal.
  31. C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. The DOLCE Project – NSF funded materials for computer ethics. International Symposium on Technology and Society (June 6-8, 2002), Raleigh, NC.
  32. C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. The Bungle case and beyond: an ethical analysis of virtual harms and virtual sex. International Symposium on Technology and Society (June 6-8, 2002), Raleigh, NC.
  33. J. Yost and K. Miller. Internet2 Ethics. Spring 2002 Internet2 Member MeetingWashington, D.C (May 7, 2002).
  34. C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. Virtual violations and real harm. Concepts of Creativity in the Humanities, Science, and Technology (September, 2001), Charlottesville, VA.
  35. K. Miller. Corporate goals, the public good, and engineering conflicts of interest for computing professionals. ASEE 2001 (June 25, 2001), Albuquerque, NM.
  36. F. Appel, B. Coup, and K. Miller. Computer Ethics in Online Learning. Illinois Online Network: Faculty Summer Institute (May 23, 2001), Champaign, IL.
  37. K. Miller. Online Computer Science Teaching. Illinois Online Network: Faculty Summer Institute (May 22, 2001), Champaign, IL.
  38. T. Camp, C. Huff, D. Johnson, L. King, K. Miller, and B. Moskal. Teaching Computer Ethics: the DOLCE Approach. SIGCSE 2001; Faculty Poster (Feb 22, 2001), Charlotte, NC.
  39. K. Miller. The ethics of software certification. ISACC 2000 — The Software Risk Management Conference (September 25-26, 2000), Reston, Virginia.
  40. D. Jenkins, S. Grissom, and K. Miller. Lessons from the Cornbelt: Crustacean diversity and the loss of prairie wetlands. Conservation Issues Symposium of the Crustacean Society, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (June 26-30, 2000).
  41. F. Appel, K. Miller, G. Childress Townsend, and D. Trinkle. Computer Ethics Panel. Sixth Annual Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges: Midwest Conference, Franklin, Indiana (September 24-25, 1999).
  42. K. Miller. Active learning in an asynchronous learning environment: offensive Web sites. Conference on Ethics in Engineering and Computer Science (March 21-24, 1999), Cleveland, Ohio.
  43. D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Debating ethical standards for software engineers. Conference on Ethics in Engineering and Computer Science (March, 1999), Cleveland, Ohio.
  44. K. Miller. A code of ethics for software engineers. Midwest Computer Conference (March 18-19, 1999), Lisle, Illinois.
  45. K. Miller. Asynchronous discussions in an online computer ethics class. Midwest Computer Conference (March 18-19, 1999), Lisle, Illinois.
  46. R. Bengelink, D. Gotterbarn, and K. Miller. Defect Situations in Multinational Organizations. Ethics for Science and Engineering Based International Industries. Durham, NC (September 14-17, 1997).
  47. K. Miller. Computer Ethics Case Discussions. Effecting Change Through Implementation of Best Practice; Project CONNECT Conference. Normal, IL (May 1, 1997).
  48. K. Miller. How faults cause failures. Software Testing Analysis & Review Conference. Orlando, FL (May 15-17, 1996).
  49. K. Miller. Ethics, netiquette, and human values. Midwest Educational and Technology Conference. St. Louis, MO (March 4-6, 1996).
  50. K. Miller and C. Sung. When models lie: beware of non-random patterns from random number generators. SIAM Annual Meeting 95.Charlotte, NC (October 23-25, 1995).
  51. K. Miller and C. Sung. Exploring the weaknesses of random number generators. National Educational Computing Conference 95. Baltimore, MD (June 17-19, 1995).
  52. D. Johnson, C. Mitcham, C. D. Martin, and K. Miller. Computer ethics: state of the art. 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. CrystalCity, VA (March 2-4, 1995).
  53. W. R. Collins and K. Miller. Informed consent and software quality assurance. Computer Ethics Institute First National Conference. WashingtonDC (May 7, 1992).
  54. W. R. Collins and K. Miller. Modeling, simulation, and ethics. Computer Ethics Institute First National Conference. WashingtonDC (May 7, 1992).
  55. Zuckerwar and K. Miller. Vibrational-Vibrational Coupling in Air at Low Humidities. 112th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.Anaheim, CA (Dec. 12, 1986).
