Other Conferences
- K. Miller, P. Balcerzak, and F. Mardi. Using the Novice – Expert Coaching Method to Encourage Engagement of Under-Represented Groups in Computer Programming. IAFOR 15th Asian Conference on Education (24 Nov. 2023), Tokyo, Japan.
- T. Coble, R. Stanton, C. Cyd, L. Overholser, and K. Miller. Heritage & the Human Spirit: Inquiry that Heals. National Association for Interpretation National Conference 2023 (10 Nov. 2023), Little Rock, AR.
- K. Miller and R. Zaidi. Two recent lessons in ethical humility: Boeing’s 737 MAX and Volkswagen’s Dieselgate. Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (26-29 March 2020), Tokyo, Japan. https://acerp.iafor.org/acerp2020-virtual-presentations/.
- J. Herkert, J. Borenstein, and K. Miller. 2020. The Boeing 737 Max: Lessons for Engineering Ethics. Presented at the 2020 Annual International Conference of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Atlanta, Georgia. https://easychair.org/smart-program/2020APPEAIC/2020-02-22.html#session:42417.
- K. Miller and R. Zaidi. Is it time for robot interpreters? National Association of Interpreters Annual Conference (27-30 November 2018), New Orleans, LA.
- Grodzinsky, F. S., Miller, K. W. and Wolf, M. J. Looking for the Full Story: Ethical issues associated with session replay scripts. ETHICOMP 2018 (September, 2018), Tricity, Poland.
- K. Miller. Should nudging robots be used in moral education? 43rd Association for Moral Education Annual Conference (2-4, November 2017), St. Louis, MO.
- F. Grodzinsky, M. Wolf, and K. Miller. Applying a social-relational model to explore the curious case of hitchbBOT. International Association for Computing and Philosophy 2016 (14-17 June 2016), Ferrara, Italy.
- K. Miller. Kids, Coding, and Cognition. 15th International Postgraduate Research Conference (7 March 2016), St. Louis, MO.
- K. Miller.Clear the air about the VW diesel cheat: Professional ethics under the hood. Association of Practical and Professional Ethics 25 (20 February 2016), Washington D.C.
- K. Miller. The challenge of conceptualizing cyborgs as persons. The 8th International Conference on Applied Ethics (1-3 Nov. 2013), Sapporo, Japan.
- M. Wolf, K. Miller, and F. Grodzinsky. Morality*: An object-oriented approach to comparing machine and human morality. Computer Ethics – Philosophical Enquiry 2013 (2 July 2013), Lisbon, Portugal.
- P. Boltuc and K. Miller. Machine consciousness categorized twice. Bridging the Robotics Gap: Bringing Together Ethicists and Engineers (11-12 July 2011), Enschede, the Netherlands.
- K. Miller. PHM algorithms that interpret data are value laden. Conference on Prognostics and Health Management (20-23 June 2011), Denver, Colorado.
- K. Miller. Ethical Issue in UVS: Surveying the landscape. UVS Canada (Nov. 5, 2009), Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
- K. Miller, J. Moor, J. Herkert, J. Wetmore and D. Johnson. Ethical responsibility from the perspective of time. International Symposium on Technology and Society (ISTAS) (June 26-28, 2008), Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
- K. Miller. Monitoring real-time data from Emiquon. UIS Technology Day (February 27, 2008), Springfield, IL.
- D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Professionalism and the Software Engineering Code of Ethics. Tutorial at IEEE Conf. on Software Engineering Education and Training(CSEET) (April 14-17, 2008), Charleston, SC.
- F. Grodzinsky, K. Miller and M. Wolf. Floss, PCS and GPU: ethical issues in software licenses. Presentation at North American Computers and Philosophy. M. Turilli, panel convener (July 27, 2007), Chicago, IL.
- K. Miller. The use and abuse of philosophers and computer scientists in teaching ethics. Presentation at North American Computers and Philosophy, P. Boltuc, panel convener (July 28, 2007), Chicago, IL.
- M. Lemke, D. Jenkins, K. Miller, M. Pegg, and K. Carr. Nitrogen distribution and denitrification in the LaGrange Reach of the Illinois River and its floodplain. Poster at the Mississippi River Nutrients Science Workshop (Oct. 4-6, 2005), St. Louis, MO.
- D. Larson and K. Miller. Speed bumps, neural nets, angels and moral agency: Can silicon be held responsible? UIS Science Research Symposium (April 22, 2005), Springfield, IL.
- M. Lemke, M. Lemke, K. Miller, and D. Blodgett. Management and restoration strategies for the Emiquon floodplain of the Illinois River. New Currents in Conserving Freshwater Systems Symposium (April 7-8, 2005), New York, NY.
- K. Miller. Test driven development on the cheap: text files and explicit scaffolding. Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (October 8-9, 2004), Salem, OR.
- D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Computer ethics in the undergraduate curriculum: case studies and the joint software engineer’s code. Northwest Regional Conference of the Consortium for Computing Sciences in Colleges (October 8-9, 2004), Salem, OR.
- F. Appel, K. Miller, and L. Schwartzman. How can computer science educators prepare students for ethical professional decision-making? Ethics and Technology Conference (June 25-26, 2004), Chicago, IL.
- K. Miller. Buffer overruns: detection, prevention, and ethical obligations. UIS Science Research Symposium (April 23, 2004), Springfield, IL.
- M. Lemke, M. Pegg, and K. Miller. Nutrient distribution in a large river floodplain system: the LaGrange Reach of the Illinois River. North American Benthological Society (June 6-10, 2004), Vancouver B.C. (abstract reviewed and published)
- M. Loui , K. Miller, and J. Yost. Internet2 and computer ethics: power and responsibility. Internet2 Fall Conference (October 30, 2002), Los Angeles.
- J. Herkert, K. Miller, and B. O’Connell. Law, Ethics, and Engineering. American Society for Engineering Ethics (June 17, 2002), Montreal.
- C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. The DOLCE Project – NSF funded materials for computer ethics. International Symposium on Technology and Society (June 6-8, 2002), Raleigh, NC.
- C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. The Bungle case and beyond: an ethical analysis of virtual harms and virtual sex. International Symposium on Technology and Society (June 6-8, 2002), Raleigh, NC.
- J. Yost and K. Miller. Internet2 Ethics. Spring 2002 Internet2 Member MeetingWashington, D.C (May 7, 2002).
- C. Huff, D. Johnson, and K. Miller. Virtual violations and real harm. Concepts of Creativity in the Humanities, Science, and Technology (September, 2001), Charlottesville, VA.
- K. Miller. Corporate goals, the public good, and engineering conflicts of interest for computing professionals. ASEE 2001 (June 25, 2001), Albuquerque, NM.
- F. Appel, B. Coup, and K. Miller. Computer Ethics in Online Learning. Illinois Online Network: Faculty Summer Institute (May 23, 2001), Champaign, IL.
- K. Miller. Online Computer Science Teaching. Illinois Online Network: Faculty Summer Institute (May 22, 2001), Champaign, IL.
- T. Camp, C. Huff, D. Johnson, L. King, K. Miller, and B. Moskal. Teaching Computer Ethics: the DOLCE Approach. SIGCSE 2001; Faculty Poster (Feb 22, 2001), Charlotte, NC.
- K. Miller. The ethics of software certification. ISACC 2000 — The Software Risk Management Conference (September 25-26, 2000), Reston, Virginia.
- D. Jenkins, S. Grissom, and K. Miller. Lessons from the Cornbelt: Crustacean diversity and the loss of prairie wetlands. Conservation Issues Symposium of the Crustacean Society, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico (June 26-30, 2000).
- F. Appel, K. Miller, G. Childress Townsend, and D. Trinkle. Computer Ethics Panel. Sixth Annual Consortium for Computing in Small Colleges: Midwest Conference, Franklin, Indiana (September 24-25, 1999).
- K. Miller. Active learning in an asynchronous learning environment: offensive Web sites. Conference on Ethics in Engineering and Computer Science (March 21-24, 1999), Cleveland, Ohio.
- D. Gotterbarn and K. Miller. Debating ethical standards for software engineers. Conference on Ethics in Engineering and Computer Science (March, 1999), Cleveland, Ohio.
- K. Miller. A code of ethics for software engineers. Midwest Computer Conference (March 18-19, 1999), Lisle, Illinois.
- K. Miller. Asynchronous discussions in an online computer ethics class. Midwest Computer Conference (March 18-19, 1999), Lisle, Illinois.
- R. Bengelink, D. Gotterbarn, and K. Miller. Defect Situations in Multinational Organizations. Ethics for Science and Engineering Based International Industries. Durham, NC (September 14-17, 1997).
- K. Miller. Computer Ethics Case Discussions. Effecting Change Through Implementation of Best Practice; Project CONNECT Conference. Normal, IL (May 1, 1997).
- K. Miller. How faults cause failures. Software Testing Analysis & Review Conference. Orlando, FL (May 15-17, 1996).
- K. Miller. Ethics, netiquette, and human values. Midwest Educational and Technology Conference. St. Louis, MO (March 4-6, 1996).
- K. Miller and C. Sung. When models lie: beware of non-random patterns from random number generators. SIAM Annual Meeting 95.Charlotte, NC (October 23-25, 1995).
- K. Miller and C. Sung. Exploring the weaknesses of random number generators. National Educational Computing Conference 95. Baltimore, MD (June 17-19, 1995).
- D. Johnson, C. Mitcham, C. D. Martin, and K. Miller. Computer ethics: state of the art. 4th Annual Meeting of the Association for Practical and Professional Ethics. CrystalCity, VA (March 2-4, 1995).
- W. R. Collins and K. Miller. Informed consent and software quality assurance. Computer Ethics Institute First National Conference. WashingtonDC (May 7, 1992).
- W. R. Collins and K. Miller. Modeling, simulation, and ethics. Computer Ethics Institute First National Conference. WashingtonDC (May 7, 1992).
- Zuckerwar and K. Miller. Vibrational-Vibrational Coupling in Air at Low Humidities. 112th Meeting of the Acoustical Society of America.Anaheim, CA (Dec. 12, 1986).